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Danny: [To Chin and Kono] Steve’s in Japan, he needs our help. Oh, and as a side note, he arrested Wo Fat.
Danny: Hey, listen. We will be fine. Just do me a favor and take care of your own six, okay?
Steve: Sorry, did you say “six”? Okay, I’ve been gone way too long. You’re starting to sound like me.
Danny: I know, I know, and it just made me want to throw up. Can you hurry back, please?
Danny: All right, so what’s up; you get a chance to interrogate Wo Fat yet?
Steve: Sorry Danny, that’s classified.
Danny: It’s classified? Is that a joke? Are you kidding me?
Steve: No, I’m not kidding.
Danny: Okay, well, when are you bringing him back?
Steve: I can’t tell you that either Danny, I can’t tell you these things over an unsecured line, you understand? It’s a security issue.
Danny: Okay, you know what I think? I think that you think that saying stuff like that is cool. It’s not cool, it’s actually the opposite of cool.
Steve: Danny…
Danny: Okay, you know what? Forget it. I don’t care when you go… No, well, I care, I’m just going to find out myself, okay? I will track your plane.
Steve: No you won’t, we’re coming in dark.
Danny: Dark, huh?
Steve: Yes, dark, as in off the radar, dark.
Danny: I know what dark means, okay? Is that really necessary though?
Steve: It’s protocol. Danny, I’m sorry, but I can’t answer your questions right now, okay. I gotta go, all right?
Danny: Well, I got an easy one. What are you wearing? You know what, don’t answer it. I’m sure it’s top secret, so I will take a guess. Cargo pants!
Steve: Goodbye, Daniel.
Chin Ho: Find anything interesting?
Max: My findings are always of interest to me. Few people comprehend the confessional nature of autopsy. They allow the body to reveal a treasure trove of secrets, even when the cause of death appears to be quite evident.
Kono: Is that your way of saying a bullet didn’t kill Anna Douglas?
Max: What? No! Even the untrained eye can see that the cause of death is a gunshot wound to the frontal lobe.
Danny: Okay, listen. I know about the plane that’s coming in dark.
Kendricks: A plane coming in dark? You do realize they only exist in spy thrillers, right?
Danny: Oh no, I know for a fact they exist in real life, along with black helicopters. Those exist too.
Danny: You the one who sent me that text?
Deep Throat: Yes.
Danny: Oh, you’re not exactly what I was expecting.
Deep Throat: Really? You want 007, you got to see a movie. You want information, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me, kid.
Steve: You could have told me the part about them wanting you dead a little earlier.
Wo Fat: You wouldn’t have believed me.
Steve: Yeah well, I do now. What did you do to piss off the Yakuza, anyway?
Wo Fat: I killed Hiro Noshimuri.
Steve:: Well, that would do it.
Danny: See, I knew it. Cargo pants.
Steve: Book ‘em, Danno.
Steve: Come here.
Kono: You don’t write, you don’t call. We missed you.
Steve: It’s good to be home.
Ecrit par Nicofac 

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Ecrit par Nicofac 
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